When a man needs time alone or doesn't want to talk about his day, it doesn't mean that he cares less for his partner. When a woman wants to talk about her day, it doesn't means she is excessively needy or high-maintenance. His detached manner doesn't mean he doesn't care, and her stronger emotional reactions do not mean she doesn't appreciate all that he does to provide her.
Woman's brain are designed to consider and anticipate the emotions, sensitivities, and needs of others. Men, on the other hand, are more acutely aware of their own needs, or at least their needs for achieving the goal at hand.
When you write your will, you have the opportunity to donate your body organs to help others after you die. Faced with this option, nine out of ten women donate their organs, while nine of ten men do not. By nature, women tend to be giving, even after their death. A woman's greatest challenge in learning to cope with stress is to begin caring for herself as much as she is caring for others.
A woman's brain has a larger corpus callosum, the bundle of nerves that connects the right and left hemispheres of brain. This link, which produces cross-talk between the hemispheres, is 25% smaller in men. This means men do not connect feelings and thoughts as readily as women do.
A man's brain is single-focused, while a woman's brain tends to multitask. When a man is under stress, he can easily forget his partner and her needs. A woman can easily misinterpret his forgetful behavior as uncaring. This insight can help a woman does not take it personally when he is at his computer and seems annoyed when she asks him a question. For her, it is a simple task to shift her attention when she is interrupted, but for him it is much more difficult.