Sunday, November 25, 2012

Finally home.

Officially finished my A-level.
I wish to give you a Hooray but yeah, it just lasted for a day or two.
Now I am going to face new challenge, new revolution and of course, new work.
Not so freeman anyway, maybe just no need to worry about myself not working hard enough to get good grades.

Its so difficult to leave people you just started to love.
You would miss them like hell.
I tried to prevent this by keeping myself in room all the time, but still, it happened.
Some amazing people just came out like that when I least expected, when I am about to leave.
And we had to say goodbye without really realizing how time slipped away.
I guess life is like this, we are all forced to face what we don't want to.

I am an independent kid and you know, I always love freedom.
Don't tie me because I won't be sitting tight right beside you.
The more you let me go, the more I want to come back, the more I'd appreciate you.
By the way for people who concern, I am home. :)

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